2024, The Year Of Reading

I have declared that the year 2024 will be the year of reading! I have this thing where I go through reading spurts. Do you? I’ll get on a reading kick and then, all of a sudden, stop. For months, I won’t pick up a book. Sometimes years.

2024 the year of reading

But lately, I’ve been reading again. Some are actual paperback books, and some are on audio. I love listening to books while I am working. Thankfully, I have a job where I can put in my earbuds and listen to podcasts, music, and books.

This is also the time of the year when I usually start peeling off and away from social media. It is getting nasty out there, folks. I only want Christmas music, good tidings, and cheer this time of year, as Bing and David brought us years ago.

So, diving into books for escape is what I plan to do in 2024. Maybe I’ll flood my social media accounts with book reviews and recommendations. And perhaps I will include it in my podcast, too.

While I don’t want to leave social media altogether or quit my podcast, this may be a great way to fill it in with stuff that isn’t gloom and doom, like the news and politics.

Also, eventually, I want to write a book. And reading will give me some inspiration.

Let me start by telling you what I have read recently, what I am currently reading, and what I plan on reading next.

The Bible – Normally, I read it in my car while on my lunch break at work. Starting from the beginning, I need to take it in small sections.  The Bible I am using is The Daily Bible (NLT). I’ve been in Genesis for months!

Recently Finished Up

Recently, I finished an audiobook by Daniel Steele called Second Act. I don’t like criticizing other people’s work, so I’ll say this wasn’t for me. It was enjoyable enough as far as it was something to listen to while at work. I felt the plot was rushed. This was my first Daniel Steel novel, and it just wasn’t my cup of tea. Mor than likely, I won’t be reaching for another. However, I did appreciate that the content was clean.

Currently Reading

I am finishing a book titled The Little Italian Hotel by Phaedra Patrick. The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper was the first book by this author that I listened to in audiobook. It was a good listen, which made me confident in buying the Little Italian Hotel book. I have about 50 pages left to read. Parts of the book are decent, but I don’t like how the central character drones on and on about her husband. When I finish the book, I’ll return to fill you in with more details. But again, I appreciate the content being clean.

The most recent reads I have thoroughly enjoyed are The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman and The Marlow Murder Club by Robert Thorogood.

Doing a recent Google search to find authors similar to those mentioned above, Anthony Horowitz showed up, so I purchased one of his books, Magpie Murders.

This YouTube video by Penguin, where Anthony Horowitz talks about what makes a great murder mystery and how to do it, is mesmerizing! I know I will enjoy Magpie Murders!

I wish I could leave social media altogether, but I must stick around for some things. However, I certainly can limit myself from endlessly scrolling through the feeds. And now that I plan to read a lot this upcoming year, I have something to look forward to doing.

Thanks for taking the time to read. You can also listen to my podcast, which is still a daily one.