Alabama is slipping away. When I say “slipping away” I mean politically. And it’s because of Huntsville (Madison County). It’s where I have lived since 1991. I think a lot of old timers here think that we are predominantly a red state. Maybe. But we are turning purple quickly.

With the influx of people, like the most recent acquisition of Space Command coming soon, we’ve been taking in more and more blue liberals like a sinking ship takes on water.
Alabama is Slipping Away
Huntsville is an engineering town, a research & development town, a somewhat high-tech town for it being a southern state. We have all sorts of highly educated people coming to Alabama all the time. Huntsville is not the quintessential south. It is hard to find a native Huntsvillian.
Trump and the Senate barely won in Madison County. And this map certainly shows how split we are in Huntsville.
Now, I don’t like the “good ole boy” network either. So I do welcome some change and new-fashioned thinking. But it needs to be forward, not sideways and certainly not backward. Which for the life of me can’t figure out why the Democrats want to take us backwards.
With the Democrats insisting on making victims out of clearly adept people, and crying racism every time the sun comes up, it seems they cannot get their heads out of their 1960s asses.
Sadly, their tactics seem to be working on one group of people; their old white liberal base.
So the people from other states come and bring their politics with them. In the past it has been California, Colorado, and Michigan migrating to Alabama.
And then you have this, from, reporting on the Rust Belt moving southward in 2019.
Now that I have provided enough data, you can see why I am a little bit alarmed that Alabama will go Democratic very soon. Some of the old-timers here are resting on their laurels. Either they are going to roll into retirement not giving a booty or perform acts of selling out. Like they’ve not been going back door deals all along.
But if we don’t watch out, we are going to be blue very soon.
Hey Florida, you got any room for The Gent and me? Because as much as I can vote, it may not be enough and I don’t know if I want to live in a blue state, surrounded by pinheads.