Am I done? I’m 55 and I am ready to slow way down. After I type this blog post, I will be going back to shopping for yoga pants, tank tops, comfortable bras, and long flowy kimonos. And believe you me, I am way more than willing to trade-in my stilettos for some Hey Dudes.
Am I Done?

I am ready to get rid of a ton of crap, clean out the house, narrowing down our junk and go towards minimalism. I am ready to not participate in toxic behavior, negative thinking, self doubt, and being hard on myself. I am ready to care for myself and my loved ones. I am ready to simplify my eating and be strict about what I put in my body for fuel. I am ready to move my body. I may not be up for CrossFit anymore but I can still do some sort of exercise.
Really though, slowing down sounds so good right now. Streamline. Focus. Take care of my body physically because I am about to enter the second half of my life, so to speak. I don’t know what else to call it. I feel a change a comin’. And it’s a good change. I want to be ready for it.
We are now grandparents! And that baby is everything. My goodness gracious. I want to be in good health so I can watch him grow up and participate in his life. And in all of my future grandkids lives!

I am ready to give up silly things, wants, and desires. My life as far as wanting things just doesn’t matter anymore. Yes, my LIFE matters but what I used to want and desire out of life is certainly different now and changing to something way more simple.
Don’t really have a huge detailed complicated plan. These are the things on my mind and want to start with:
- Nutrition, and be strict about it.
- Exercise, do what I can to stay active.
- Declutter the house, one room at a time. Maybe one drawer at a time.
- Stop spending money (after I buy my new grandma wardrobe of yoga pants and kimonos), get rid of subscriptions, streaming services, etc.
- Of course, get myself right spiritually. Read the Bible and cultivate that relationship with God.
- Stay away from politics, news.
- Make new friends.
- Fill my soul with something else, positive.
- Even getting rid of Twitter sounds decent right now. Turn my social media accounts into nothing but images of grandchildren.
Basically, start living a simplified life. I don’t need all that 24-hour entertainment access and I certainly feel a whole lot better when I stay away from the news. I can stay up to date without being involved and participate in the outrageous rhetoric.
I am changing doctors too. I feel the need to do a complete work over. I’ve had some issues lately that I need to address and take care of. I don’t care for the agency that took over my previous doctor’s practice. So I am finally changing to someone we know, trust, and can rely on. She used to work for my husband when she was a teenager. She’s now a full grown. married woman who happens to be a doctor! I am kind of excited to become one of her patients!
So, am I done? Stay tuned and thanks for reading. Find out more about Carol, the blogger.