Be Happy

Be happy. Can you disagree with someone or group or policy and still be happy? You bet. Plus, I haven’t had my eye on the news for about 3-days now and so I have nothing to blog about today, Monday.

Be Happy

I saw this tee-shirt (pictured above) at Kohl’s and I had to have it. It made me smile and it takes a lot to make me smile these days. So I bought it on impulse. I am glad I did. It makes me happy. But I digress.

Mondays I had reserved for ReMarking on news and politics. But, I have been otherwise bemused. My weekend was relaxing. I visited with family that came in from out-of-state. I caught up on chores. I watched some movies. I tried out my new wig. I had fun. And I was not paying attention to the news.

Except for one small little thing. The Alabama mask mandate is no more. After a YEAR ya’ll. A year! Finally. Thank God. We are free. Well, sort of. I say all of that in jest of course. I did find myself still wearing a mask inside the Wal-Mart on Sunday however. Surprisingly, there were more people wearing masks than not.

For me, I think it has just become habit now and I kind of like NOT breathing YOUR air. No longer being forced to wear a mask by our state government is comforting. Of course, some small private businesses will more than likely require you to wear a mask, I’m sure. I can shop elsewhere. I’ve grown patient over the last year in waiting for things to arrive via UPS, USPS, and FedEx.

And you know what else? I have discovered that other people are right, it is easier choosing to be happy than wanting to drive home my point of being right.

Or I am seriously just getting older and not caring anymore. When I say “not caring” I mean that I no longer feel the need to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders.

That’s not to say that I won’t be right back here next Monday with something to say about whatever. I probably will have some more stuff to say in the future. In fact, I know I will but the difference will be in the discernment.

Thanks for stopping by to read.

Learn more about Carol, the blogger.