Carol ReMarks on hair loss. As the legendary Joan Rivers used to say, “Can we talk?” Yes, we need to talk about hair loss. Allow me the grace to put myself out there to share so that maybe someone else will not feel alone.
Carol ReMarks on Hair Loss
I have it, hair loss. More specifically, alopecia. At least that is what I am self-diagnosing myself with. Actually, I did see a dermatologist and he agreed.
This all started when I was in grade school. I had a huge (to a grade schooler it was huge) bald spot on the top of my head, right smack dab in the middle. If memory serves me correctly, the bald spot was the size of an egg .
My mother took me to what I assumed was a specialist, I don’t know, I was a kid. What I do remember is getting shots in my head. Several of them. My hair grew back.
Now that I am an adult, I know what those shots were because I have had them again. They are steroid injections. And they no longer work for me, as an adult.
I started losing my hair again in my mid to late forties. A small bald spot here and there, then the hair would grow back. This lasted for a couple of years.
But now? It is back with a vengeance. Of course I have tried all the vitamins and biotin. I am here to tell you, they did not work for me.
So here I am with my hair falling out, looking like Gollum from the Lord of the Rings. Ugh.

What to do about it now?
Fortunately, I can still put my hair back in a pony tail to cover the spots but it is getting harder and harder to do so.
Contemplated shaving my head. Thought about long and hard, for months. In the end, I decided I wasn’t ready. I will wait until I absolutely cannot hide it anymore.
I am experimenting with wigs.
My journey to find the perfect every-day wig has been educating and difficult.
Luckily, I discovered a whole community of women like me, online. YouTube is undeniably the best tool in looking for help when trying to find a wig.

A lot of YouTubers, with quite the following, do wig reviews. It is helpful to see a regular, real person trying on a wig while explaining the wig cap, how to measure your head, what permatease means, what is a lace front, and all the questions I had.
But, what I have discovered, the biggest lesson I am currently learning, is that just because it looks good on someone else does not mean it will look good on me.
I purchased several wigs. I need to sell them all. I think I wore one or two out in public. I can find something wrong with every one of them. Wrong color, too small, too much permatease, doesn’t frame my face the way I want, etc etc.
The main thing I have difficulty with is my own feelings about wearing a wig. How super self-conscious I am. Can they tell I am wearing a wig? Are they staring at me? Is it on crooked? Do I look stupid? Blah blah blah.
My bio hair is so fine, thin, and limp that when I put on a wig it is obvious that it’s a wig because it seems like SO MUCH HAIR! I’m not used to it. And I know others will know too. Like people at work who see me 5-days a week for 8 hours at a time.
I keep telling myself if I could ONLY FIND THE PERFECT ONE, THEN I will be okay with wearing it in public.
Apparently, I have put a stigma on wig-wearing. How do I get rid of it?
Well anyway, I am going to have a big sale on my current wigs. But I am going to continue on my search for the perfect one. Wish me luck. But I know I will eventually find it.
YouTubers I follow for wig reviews and hair loss chats –
Thanks for taking the time to read.
More about me, Carol Marks, the blogger.
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