Wig dictionary. On today’s blog post, I thought I would make a list of wig terms you may hear a lot.
Temporary EyeBrow Tattoo Tutorial
My temporary eyebrow tattoo tutorial. Sheesh, say that 3-times real fast.
Wig Battle! Round 3
Wig Battle! Round 3 – I am having a wig battle on my social media channels.
September is Alopecia Awareness Month
September is Alopecia Awareness Month. I hope to be posting a few blog posts about this topic and sharing my personal experience.
More on Belle Tress Bespoke Wig
More on Belle Tress Bespoke Wig – I decided another blog post was needed for my Belle Tress Bespoke wig and how you can wear her this fall […]
Wig Battle! Round 2
Wig Battle! Round 2 – I am having a wig battle on my social media channels.
Wig Battle! Round 1
Wig Battle! Round 1 – I am having a wig battle on my social media channels.
Belle Tress Bespoke Wig Review
Here is my Belle Tress Bespoke Wig Review over on Rumble!
Pros and Cons of Wearing Wigs
OPINION: This article contains commentary which reflects the author’s opinion.
I’m a Totally Bald Woman
I am a bald woman, if you haven’t noticed. And when I go out in public, most people don’t see either. Sure, some kids may take a second […]
What I Wish I Knew When I First Started Wearing Wigs
What I wish I knew when I first started wearing wigs. In this blog post I hope to share with you what I learned early on when I […]
Treasured Jewelry
Treasured jewelry – Recently, I pulled out my grandparents’ watches that I’ve had stowed away in my jewelry box for the last 20-something years.