Fun With Wigs

Fun with wigs. I’ve had the privilege and been blessed to afford a lot of different wigs through the last handful of years. Here are a few selfies.

The blondes are fun. And the curly wigs are fun, too, although a little more high maintenance. But in the end, I prefer the brunette wigs. That was the color of my bio hair when I had it.

And I’ve had fun doing wig reviews too.

I only have one of those wigs left. I donated or sold the rest of them. And now I’ve collected new ones that I’ll sell or donate too.

It is fun to try out and wear new wig styles. But then again, in the end, as I’ve stated before, I feel way more comfortable just going bald.

Carol Marks, Caro ReMarks

And no one really looks at me like I’m a freak or anything. I barely get noticed, which is fine.

I will tell you, though, that most people who might take the time to come up ad talk to me about my baldness think that I am going through chemo.

One weekend, while The Gent and I were in Tunica, a lady approached me and told me that everything would be okay. That her hair grew back three times after her chemo treatments. I nod and say thank you.

My hair won’t grow back, though, not when you have Alopecia. September is Alopecia Awarness month. And I wrote about my experience here on the blog before.

If you’d like a fun way to help out with awareness, you can go to the Brave Barbie donation site. For a donation of $25.00 you can receive a Brave Barbie which is made exclusive for National Alopecia Areata Foundation by Mattel.