Want to know how Ukrainians deal with looters? They are shrink-wrapping them to street poles to be publicly shamed. I don’t know how much of this story is true. It seems they are only catching individuals? Have they seen the looter mobs here in America? They must not have the mass looting going on that we have here in America. Which by the way, have you seen or heard about any stories on that lately? I haven’t.

Shrink-wrapping individuals to freezing poles for looting. They are calling it public shaming. But, I have questions, and feelings, on one particular looter taped to a freezing metal pole with his pants down, facing the pole.
Certainly, it is cruel and unusual punishment. Do they rely on good samaritans walking by to cut them free? My guess is that the people who originally taped them to the pole do not come back to check on them.
My compassion is super sensitive.
It is no doubt a horrible physical punishment. It is heart- and gut-wrenching to view those images. Yes, I know they should not have been looting. And I suppose it could have been worse. For example, the looters could have been beaten to death or shot in the head. So I guess they should be grateful for the public shaming, right?
I know some of the more hard-nosed intense right-wing rabble will be okay with this vigilante style justice. But I am not.
On Twitter, in one of the comments, someone suggested that they should have “just called the police.” While I don’t agree with shrink-wrapping human beings to metal poles in freezing weather, I also do not think it is just that simple to call the police either. Have they been watching the news lately? Ukraine is being attacked. I am sure it is chaotic there.
And honestly, who knows if these images and stories are even real. It’s on the internet though so it must be true, right? Pffft. Man, I am so skeptical of everything these days.
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