It’s football season. As I was searching Google Trends to find a topic to blog about, the results were nothing but football, football, football.
Of course I knew it was football season. I found it aggravating that EVERYONE was doing google searches for football when I was trying to find out what I thought everyone was curious about so I could come up with a blog topic.

Well, I don’t have anything to say about football. My husband is a huge fan and follows it like it’s a cult. A time not long ago I kept up with college football A LITTLE BIT. I could at least name who the quarterback was for Alabama. Not so much anymore. No clue.
And since my husband grew up in Georgia, that makes me a Dawgs fan by marriage. And I am okay with that. I really cheer for the Navy since that is where I attended and served for 8 years.
College ball in the south is quite the theater. I also believe it is what they were referring to when I first moved to the south and everyone told me I was in for a culture shock. I remember asking who Bear Bryant was in my first year living in Alabama and the schooling I received when they realized I wasn’t joking.
So like a good transplant, I followed along for a while. Also watched some NASCAR. Came to understand what Bless Your Heart really meant. And when a meme comes around that reads, “Tell me what state you are in without telling me what state you are in.” My response is always ROLL TIDE.
Now that the kids are grown and moved out, living their best lives, I no longer really follow along with football. Especially since Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, and all the other streaming services have become popular. Streaming services are my sanctuary come September through January.
I don’t have anything against football, I just don’t have a dog in that fight. Maybe I’ll start watching the Game of Thrones through this fall and winter.
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