James Comey Secret Honeypot Spy Scheme

It seems James Comey is about to face an investigation for allegedly orchestrating a covert operation targeting Donald J. Trump. And no, relax, Winnie, we’re not talking about that kind of honeypot. According to whistleblowers, Comey reportedly sent two female FBI agents undercover into the Trump campaign. This happened shortly after Trump announced his candidacy in 2015. The goal was surveillance.

Here’s a Quick Rewind

James Comey played a major role in shaping the political landscape surrounding Donald Trump. This was true both before and after the 2016 election. As FBI Director, Comey oversaw the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Many believe this may have influenced the election’s outcome.

However, after Trump took office, their relationship quickly soured. In early 2017, Comey briefed Trump on the now-infamous Steele dossier, a collection of unverified claims about Trump’s alleged ties to Russia, which later fueled the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. Trump reportedly asked for Comey’s loyalty during a private dinner, a request Comey declined. In May 2017, Trump fired Comey, citing his handling of the Clinton investigation, though many saw it as an effort to shut down the ongoing Russia probe.

Comey later leaked memos about his interactions with Trump, which contributed to the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, leading to years of investigations into alleged Russian collusion—none of which ultimately proved Trump conspired with Russia.

And now…

Now, new whistleblower claims suggest Comey may have gone even further, allegedly approving a covert operation to infiltrate Trump’s 2016 campaign using female FBI agents as “honeypots.” If true, this would mark yet another explosive chapter in the long-running saga between Trump and the intelligence agencies.

According to the whistleblower’s protected disclosure, Mr. Comey personally directed an off-the-books investigation targeting Mr. Trump shortly after he announced his candidacy in June 2015. Two female FBI employees allegedly infiltrated the campaign at high levels and were instructed to act as “honeypots” — intelligence terminology for operatives who use romantic or sexual interest to gather information — while traveling with Mr. Trump and campaign staff.

This operation reportedly operated separately from the better-known Crossfire Hurricane investigation into Russian collusion allegations. The whistleblower claims the earlier investigation lacked predication and was conducted without creating official case files in FBI systems, potentially concealing it from Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz during his review of FBI misconduct. – The Washington Times

Looks like Donald Trump isn’t just settling for torching Biden’s legacy—he’s reaching back even further to roast Obama’s too. And honestly, can you blame him? After all the shady moves those two pulled trying to keep him out of the White House, it’s no surprise he’s coming for everything they left behind.

Ever since Donald Trump took office for a second time, it feels like all sorts of things are spilling out of Washington, D.C. And it’s clear this term is shaping up to be a lot different from his first time in the Oval Office. Of course, there’s a mountain of mess left behind by the previous administration that he’ll need to clean up.

Is It Real?

These so-called ‘ladies’ better step up and spill the truth if they know what’s good for them. Their identities aren’t exactly a well-kept secret anymore—plenty of people seem to know who they are and where to find them.

Word on the street is that this so-called honeypot operation might not have a paper trail, which means proving it won’t be easy. Convenient, huh? But if this turns out to be true and the receipts come out—holy hell, it’s going to be massive. We’re talking heads rolling, careers ending, and a full-blown reckoning in the intelligence community.

Hugh Hewitt just weighed in, saying this needs a serious, no-BS investigation. If the deep-state players behind this actually get exposed, it could make Watergate look like a parking ticket. Buckle up—this could get wild.

After a four-year hiatus, Trump has had ample time to reflect on the injustices he believes were inflicted upon him. While the impersonation by the erratic commentator on The Young Turks is laughable, it’s clear that Trump doesn’t harbor personal vendettas. There are numerous individuals he could confront—and frankly, I hope he does. James Comey might be a minor figure to Trump, but the initiation of an investigation into his actions is a positive development and entirely warranted.

Then again, we are all still waiting on ‘the lists’ promised to be released on day one: Epstein and others.

Feature Image: James Comey/Wikipedia/Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License/edited in Canva Pro

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