Kids Wish Dad A Happy Mother’s Day

Reading this story from Business Insider about a married couple with kids, both parents are now celebrating Mother’s Day because Dad is now Mom, too, physically made me ill. My stomach turned, and my mind almost wouldn’t allow me to believe this was a true story.

No, Dad cannot become Mom. Sure, there are single Dads out there who have to take on the Mom persona, but this is not what I am talking about. Regarding this Business Insider essay by Jess deCourcy Hinds, I truly thought I was reading a piece of fiction.

Lo and behold, Jess deCourcy Hinds is, indeed, a fiction writer. But her real life could be an episode of the Twilight Zone.

She has this Mother’s Day piece at Business Insider, and after researching her more, I found another story she wrote for them—about when her husband became her wife, written in March 2023.

The Mother’s Day story reads like, well, I don’t know what it reads like because I’ve never read anything like it before.

After my husband transitioned to female and became my wife, I was taken aback when a friend wished us both a Happy Mother’s Day. I’d gradually accepted and celebrated everything about my wife’s transition — from her pencil skirts and kitten heels to her newfound inner peace and self-confidence. – Business Insider

She celebrated her husband’s transition. Sure, ya did, hon. She writes about her husband “from her pencil skirts and kitten heels”  with a straight face and all seriousness. I think she’s writing it like this to help herself cope with this tragedy that she is allowing to happen to her. Get out! She must be trying to trick herself into thinking she’s writing fiction about her life.

Why this article is in the Business Insider, I don’t know. I only found this story because I searched for Mother’s Day articles to share on my YouTube livestream.

Her story for Business Insider in March was even more bizarre. But we are discussing this transcult craze and the women supporting it. It’s all crazy.

One night in the spring of 2021, my husband and I shared a salmon dinner and put our two daughters to bed. Earlier that day, during a walk in the woods, my spouse confessed to a lifetime of gender struggles. This confession consumed us all night. We stayed up until dawn laughing and crying.

“I’m a woman,” my husband said over and over. “I’m a woman.”

That night I said goodbye forever to my husband and our marriage — and I woke up to a new wife, a new marriage. Two years later, our relationship is stronger than ever. – Business Insider

Really? Is that really how it happened? Was it just all acceptance overnight? I don’t think so.

Do Not Normalize This

We are increasingly seeing online that people are trying to normalize this sick behavior, and hardly anyone is speaking out about this. Or at least it feels that way at times.

And here in America? I am starting to believe this is a lost cause for the rest of us. Women, in particular, are embracing this nonsense, accepting men who parade around as women.

Why are more and more men trying to pass themselves off as women? The majority is a fetish, and women are helping to revolutionize their sexual perversion. It’s gross and disgusting.

Kellie-Jay Keen is doing something. You can follow her on YouTube. She is doing what she is doing in Europe with her Speaker’s Corner and Let Women Speak, as well as her newly formed political party, Party of Women. With her bravery and #DareToBeHonest campaigns, Kellie-Jay has inspired me to speak up and amplify the message via social media and livestreams.

So far I’ve been lucky that I don’t have to participate in any of this in my workplace. But if it ever were to reach my place of employment, they’d have to fire me. I will not comply. This is the hill for me.

Feature Image: Created in Canva Pro

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