Meet The New Super Model – Artificial Intelligence

Meet The New Super Model – Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is entering the fashion and beauty industry, taking jobs away from human fashion models. I am not upset about people losing fashion modeling jobs; they should find other careers. But I worry that this industry will become even more fake, setting even higher and more unrealistic standards.

But we all know that these beauty standards go way way back. Just Google ‘the dawn of beauty standards,’ and the results will tell you that it all started 2400 years ago in Rome and Greece.

Also, the speed at which AI has entered our lives is astronomical.

Some will argue that this is just another avenue of creativity. But what do we do when a new form of creativity or technology infringes on an already established way of doing things?

This new way of doing things with AI differs from when let’s say, the e-reader came out. When books went digital, it didn’t change how authors wrote them. They still wrote books, which are still being bound and sold. It would be interesting to find out if the production of paper books has slowed or changed significantly.

Here is what future fashion ads may look like.

I’m old enough to remember that back in the 1980s, feminism tried to make people understand that the glossies with Cindy Crawford, Heidi Klum, Christie Brinkley, and Naomi Campbell were unrealistic, even though these women were real. The 1980s was the generation of the Supermodel.

While the regular woman knew they would never be Cindy, Heidi, Christi, or Naomi, it was still fun to thumb through the magazines and get inspiration. Just like I know I’ll never be Melania Trump, I still look at her in awe and admire her as a person—in her beauty, grace, intellect, service, and more. She is a human being, not AI-generated. I can look at her and aspire to be more like some of her attributes. I don’t look at a computer-generated image and think, “Oh, I want to be like that!”

Meet the faces of the future.

Add fashion model to the list of jobs potentially threatened by the rise of artificial intelligence, as labels rush to employ the disruptive and controversial technology in their glossy ads.

Fashion retailer Mango became one of the first to feature AI-generated glam bots in its adverts back in July — just days before the company reported its highest revenues in four decades.

“It’s about faster content creation,” Mango CEO Toni Ruiz told Bloomberg. – New York Post

Faster, faster, faster!

How will society respond to AI-generated models in terms of fashion and beauty? Will the human fashion model perhaps make a digital twin of themselves? This all sounds very creepy to me and borders on some twisted, weird fantasies that go beyond real-world experiences.

And I can’t help but automatically think of the strange connection of autogynephilia and anime to the tenets of transgenderism. Another Google search will bring up some bizarre results for you. Tread carefully.

This AI technology is nothing new, but the speed at which it has entered nearly every aspect of the online world is spectacular. The video I provided you (below) is from a year ago.

Tech founder and model Sinead Bovell joins the interview to discuss this futuristic phenomenon.

At one point in the video, they mention the term diversity illusion. Diversity illusion is the thought of having these AI-generated models of all colors and sizes. At the same time, the people behind the coding of these generated images may not be so diverse. So now, somehow, we have potentially created a whole new avenue of racism? I have no clue anymore.


Again, my main concern is that creating these AI-generated “models” is just another step in misleading millions of young people into thinking they must look a certain way. In my twenties, I was merely concerned with trying to lighten strands of my hair with Sun In or fighting acne!

We are now seeing trends all over TikTok about “glass skin” and these latest ridiculous “Whoville” nose jobs.

Women my age remember the time before the internet and now AI-generated fakery. We still love our makeup, and we also love beauty tips and tricks. So, I am not concerned about women of a certain age falling for this newfangled deception. But man, these young people today will have different experiences. I don’t even know what to think about what will happen in the future. It will be like all the 1980s futuristic movies coming to life.

If you enjoyed this blog entry, check out my podcast. Here is a recent episode in which I discuss more beauty standards.

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