Men In Dresses Pays Off According to Men In Dresses

Men In Dresses

Lifesite News has an article out that tells us the transgender fever will eventually break. They tell us it’s just a matter of time. I’m not so sure. I mean, yes, I’d love to believe it. How can anyone in their right and sane mind think that you can swap sexes, even with surgery? Well, that’s the thing: the trans cult is not in their right and sane mind.

Here is an X post that shows these perverts with fetishes who half-ass pretend to be women to gain access to women’s spaces so they can get their rocks off. They’ve admitted it in this short video, a snippet from a Zoom call. Are these derelicts sharing their stratagems?

This is disturbing:

The LifeSite News article discusses the likes of J.K. Rowling and Joe Rogan, who are not known to be socially conservative, paving the way for others to speak out against this nonsense. Also, big thanks to Elon Musk for purchasing X so that we can exercise our First Amendment.

Fighting Back

The article also gives us two great examples of regular people fighting back, even if it is with lawsuits. One is a French teacher in Virginia who was fired from his job because he would not participate in the pronoun garbage. He didn’t use incorrect pronouns; he just called the student by her given name, avoiding pronouns altogether. You see, the girl is confused, thinks she is a boy and wants the teacher to go along. The teacher was fired, but he fought back and won.

The other case involves the University of Louisville.

Leading child psychiatrist Dr. Allan Josephson, who was fired by the University of Louisville for comments opposing sex changes for children in 2019, has also scored a victory for sanity and freedom of speech. “Last year, in a case I filed against [the] University of Louisville… over the violation of my constitutional rights and seeking reinstatement of my position with back pay, a federal district court ruled a jury should hear my claims,’ Josephson wrote in an op-ed for the Daily Signal recently. “And on Sept. 10, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit agreed.” – LifeSite News

Sadly, these are the steps we have to take to regain some semblance of normalcy and sanity.

And why does the girls’ team have to forfeit, refusing to play another team with boys on it, to send a message? Why can’t we use our common sense? If you are a boy, you play on the boys’ team. When did we lose our minds?

I guess when you have the American government on your side, then it is easy to push your fetish forward.

Cult & Fetish & What To Do

If you are a boy who thinks he is a girl, you need to seek therapy. However, be careful parents. This cult has also captured the mental health industry.

As far as grown men all of a sudden thinking they are female, well, that’s called autogynephilia Will & Harper. Or, in simple terms, perversion and fetishes.

This craziness will only stop if more people speak out against it. I can understand why people want to remain silent, though. But we can’t leave it up to more prominent names alone. Thankfully, people like Kellie-Jay Keen are showing us how to do it.

And no, we probably won’t get to start the Party of Women here in America, and that’s okay.

Recently, I chatted with Allie Snyder from X, who runs the Let Women Speak American merchandise shop. It’s where I get all my fabulous TERF merchandise.

In this interview, Allie shares what piqued her and how she lost her job because of this cult. So yes, I understand how people want to be apprehensive about this topic.

This is the hill I will die upon. No question. I refuse to give in to this denomination of irrationality. I am a small voice, but I will do my part to continue to write about it, speak out on my podcast, and promote videos that oppose this ideology.

Why So Silent?

Does anyone else wonder why this isn’t a top priority for the conservative candidates who want us to elect them as our leaders?

And why is the media so eagerly complicit with this as well? They write articles about men pretending to be women, and they use the her/she pronouns when they write about it!

A news site you may want to follow is called Reduxx—brave journalists over there who are pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding, and anti-bullsh*t.

Here are a couple of their latest stories:

EXCLUSIVE: Trans-Identified Male Inmate Who Impregnated Two Women at Female Prison Helped Convicted Killer Be Transferred To The Facility

EXCLUSIVE: Female College Athlete Threatened After Speaking Out Against Trans-Identified Males Participating In Women’s Sport

BREAKING: Prominent French LGBT Activist Arrested For Raping, Torturing Severely Disabled 4-Year-Old Girl

So you see, there is nothing normal about men wanting to wear dresses. Period. End of story. Wake up America.

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