More on Belle Tress Bespoke Wig – I decided another blog post was needed for my Belle Tress Bespoke wig and how you can wear her this fall and winter.
When I first received Bespoke, I thought I might have to take her to a stylist and get her cut to a more manageable and reasonable length for this 55-year old. But after having the wig for a little while, I have decided against that idea.

So I decided to show some photos of how you can wear her this fall and winter.
Obviously, in fall and winter, the sun is still out and you still need to protect your eyes. Wearing sunglasses with Bespoke is easy and then pulling the hair out of your face. Simply sliding your shades on top of your head makes this wig versatile.
Bespoke has little or no permatease but it doesn’t mean you can’t give her some volume. Wig wax and other wig products can help you fluff her out a bit for a rock-n-roll star look.
Let’s not forget the hats. The hats! Fall and winter gives you the extra ability to create and style-up your look in a variety of ways. A hip beanie or a cute little newsboy beret cap can give you that extra warmth as well as a more fashionable declaration.

And this was the look I was going for, Meg Ryan’s character in the movie Seriously Moonlight.

What do you think? Did I hit the mark? I realize that I am no Meg Ryan, for sure. And seeing myself next to her reminds me of why she is in the movies and I am not. HA!
See my other review of Bespoke here.