Life without Facebook and Instagram is doable. I am doing it now. No more Facebook or Instagram for me. Deciding to deactivate my accounts a few weeks ago, before the whistleblower nonsense, and then finally doing it and removing the apps from my mobile device this weekend. I did it.

A few seconds throughout the day, I have experienced some withdrawal symptoms. We are also out of town at the moment and not being in my own home with stuff to do, it is easy to miss the aimless scrolling through social media. Once I get back home, I know it will be easier and not miss the useless distraction.
I thought I would need to keep Facebook for a little while because I have some wigs to sell and a few of the Groups on Facebook are good for that but then I realized I can sell them elsewhere online. I have a Poshmark account that I am using.
Instead of losing a lot of time by scrolling through a worthless “news” feed on Facebook, I have been going straight to other sources to get information.
Other things I can do instead of getting lost online are:
- Blog
- Read books
- Start decluttering the house
- Exercise
- Cook, like actually cook meals from scratch
- Grow a garden
- Clean out the garage
- Get together with friends, in person
Some of these things I am already doing like reading the Bible daily and participating in a Bible study. And I exercise regularly. I guess I really wanted to get rid of Facebook and Instagram so it would force me to pay more attention to my blog, to get back to blogging again.
Blogging is something that I have enjoyed for a very long time but I have gotten way away from it ever since Facebook reared its ugly head.
This isn’t the first time I deactivated and deleted Facebook. I did it last year or the year before around Thanksgiving through New Year and I did not miss it for one second back then.
Of course, I still have Twitter. I know a lot of folks don’t like Twitter but I think it is because they don’t know how to use it or they don’t follow the right people perhaps? I like Twitter because it is fast and quick and to the point. A lot of verified news sources share tons of topics and breaking news. It is like a curation of news for me.
Anyway, I am looking forward to moving on without Facebook having command over me. I feel free and liberated. Thanks for reading.