On Gun Control

Carol ReMarks on gun control. It’s what everyone is talking about, again. Shootings galore going on in the news right now. The biggest one just happened in Indiana at a FedEx facility by a NINETEEN YEAR OLD. Good heavens ya’ll.

On Gun Control

Now listen, the first thing I want to discuss is the mental health of our nation right now. Not just right now, no, it’s been going on for decades. Are we going to continue to ignore it?

I know some people will want to say that talking about the mental illness of the shooter will diminish the fact that innocent lives were taken by the shooter. And yes, I get that, I really do which is why I hesitated to bring it up in the first place.

But maybe that is why it continues to happen! Because we keep ignoring it. The dude was NINETEEN years old. I don’t think he was evil. There was obviously something very wrong there. I believe his parents even tried to warn the authorities.

In March 2020 Hole’s mother had contacted authorities saying she feared her son might commit “suicide by cop.”

Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department officers placed Hole on a mental health temporary hold and took a shotgun from his home.


Um, hello? The parents say they tried to get the help he needed. I don’t know what all went on and I certainly do not know the laws about getting someone committed to a mental health facility but my guess is that you cannot get someone committed. Not nowadays. It is probably all voluntary.

You know what I am afraid of now? That “the mob” will come after the parents and try to get them charged with murder.

I certainly do not want to take away any kind of grief and mourning of the victims. It is a total senseless tragedy that should not have happened. I feel for all of them. It is terrible and horrific. I can’t even begin to imagine what the survivors and victim’s family members are going through right now. I hope to God I will never have to go through something like that. And no matter what I say, it will not make things better.

Now, on gun control. We already have gun control, what we need is gun control enforcement! We have the laws in place, now ENFORCE them.

Taking away, confiscating, banning guns is not the answer. Bad people will still get their hands on them. Drugs are illegal but people still get them.

Guns don’t kill people. People kill people. And a person wanting to kill another human life is not mentally or spiritually well. At all. If we are going by the left’s unreasonableness of wanting to take away all the guns because guns kill people then we need to do away with cars, alcohol, knives, pipes, rope, I could go on. Or just cut everyone’s hands off. How about that?

Banning guns or confiscating guns is not the answer. We have the right to defend ourselves. We have the right to keep and bear arms. If we have gun laws and gun control (which I am all for) then let’s ENFORCE the laws.

But let’s also get help for the mentally ill. Please, for the love of God we’ve got to stop ignoring the problem.

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