On Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day, for me, is much more about seeing my adult children being happy and successful than it is about what they may or may not get me on this special day. I’d MUCH rather see them taking care of themselves, being happy, successful (their definition of successful), and living their best life and striving for better.

On Mother’s Day

Although, maybe I will ask for their help in doing a deep clean on the garage gym. I may try to cash-in on that when the weather is nicer. The project would go so much easier and faster with their help.

As I watch on social media all the posts about people and their moms I often think about those who do not have a their moms here anymore, or like me, are estranged from their predecessor.

My husband for example, his mother passed several years ago. He was close with her. Or a co-worker I used to work with, I think her parents were killed in a car accident when she was fairly young. Those are just a couple of people that come to mind that I think about on special days like this one.

I just sent a text to my mother. She has been on my mind and I wish her the best and hope she is doing well. Still, she must be lonely and she may even wonder why I am so distant. I cannot give her answers to that and probably never will be able to do so. Plus, her significant other of many years recently passed away which is another reason my mother has been on my mind a lot lately.

We do not live in the same state, I think if we did I would help her in whatever way I could. I really wish I could now, be there for her – to help. Now that she is in her 70s and recently lost her companion of many years, I feel like I should be there to help out. She’s in Ohio and I’m in Alabama.

I am the oldest of two girls, my sister still lives in Ohio, nearby. But my sister and mother are not close either. It does bring me some sort of small comfort knowing that my little sister is close-by, just in case.

So days like this are bittersweet for me, and others I’m sure.

But my husband is making one of my favorite dishes tonight, linguine alla cecca. I found it a while back while reading Heartburn, a novel by one of my favorite authors/directors, Nora Ephron.

Recipe HERE.