Republican Presidential Debate

I have watched all of the Republican Presidential debates so far. Why the candidates debate so early is beyond me, but here we are. Personally, I don’t mind them debating this early. Go ahead and give them the opportunity and more exposure to show their asses on television.

Here is my rundown of the fourth Republican Presidential debate. It was held in good ole Alabama and moderated by Megyn Kelly, Elizabeth Vargas, and Eliana Johnson. By the way, Megyn Kelly won the debate. She’s a great moderator, probably the best ever.

But we did have four candidates on the stage last night: Crispy Creme Chris Christie, Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, and Vivek Ramaswamy.


Let’s start with Vivek. He’s not going to be the nominee, but I am glad he’s staying in the race because he doesn’t have a thing to lose by speaking the truth and standing up for us regular-type people out here working our asses off and trying to fight off social justice crap. He will stand up and speak the truth no matter how much it pisses off the right. It needs to piss off the right. If a good Republican becomes the nominee (DeSantis or Trump), I hope Vivek gets a decent cabinet position. A position where he can bite back and take action to get America back where it is supposed to be.


Chris Christie. God, what a massive bag of hot air. I can’t stand the guy. He tries to portray himself as some mafia tough guy. (eye-roll). He was furious last night. Maybe he didn’t get his second helping of pie before stepping on stage. But come to find out, he’s writing another book, which is why he was there last night. The book is going to be titled What Would Reagan Do? Really? I swear, I know a lot of Republicans who are still living off of the 1980s. Take a look around people. Those Republicans are part of the reason we are where we are today. WAKE UP. Christie can go to hell for all I care. Go away.


Ron DeSantis. Why is this man not doing way better in the polls? I like Ron. My vote is for him (or Trump). I still haven’t decided between these two, but I am leaning more towards DeSantis. I love his stance on the border, Israel, protecting women and children, and China. He handled Florida l like a champ during COVID. How he dealt with the press during COVID is a good example of how to handle them going forward. He doesn’t seem like he’s afraid to, you know, do the work. I ask that he stop listening to his handlers about smiling. I don’t need my president to smile.

This exchange last night between Ron and Nikki was the best:


And now we get to Nikki Haley. I hate to say this, but I have a terrible feeling that she will be the GOP nominee. And she’ll win against Biden. Right now, a thimble could win against Biden. But the media and the big wigs in the government love her. She’ll get the nod. Forget what you or I want. They don’t care.

The Media and Government

The media and big elite government people want Nikki to be the nominee. They love her because she’s weak and squishy, so they can easily control her.

The MEDBEG (MEDia Big Elite Government) will do whatever it takes to get her into office. Cheat, lie, and steal. That’s what they do best. So just get prepared. I hope I am wrong in all the ways.

You can also listen to my DAILY podcast too. Each episode runs about 10 minutes.