Ron DeSantis Flies 50 Illegals to Martha’s Vineyard.

Ron DeSantis makes good on his promises to help illegals get to the Democratic sanctuary cities. Two plane loads of illegals landed in Martha’s Vineyard courtesy of the Florida Governor.
Communications Director, Taryn Fenske:
“States like Massachusetts, New York and California will better facilitate the care of these individuals who they have invited into our country by incentivizing illegal immigration through their designation as ‘sanctuary states’ and support for the Biden administration’s open border policies,” Ms. Fenske said in a statement.
Quote in the NYT article.
Sanctuary cities help protect migrants. Florida’s Legislature set aside $12M for transportation of illegals to blue states. Democrats are hysterical. They cry out for good Christians to do their duty to take care of these people.
Massachusett’s State Senator, Julian Cyr is pretty disgusted by it all.
“It’s pretty disgusting to see that politicians are capitalizing on the difficult circumstances these families are in for a ‘gotcha’ moment and political stunt,”
Julian Cyr, Massachusett’s State Senator representing Martha’s Vineyard
Just how are politicians capitalizing on these “gotcha” moments Mr. Cyr? Do you care to ask border Czar Kamala about how she’s handling her job?
“We don’t have refugee services, I had no idea about any of this. I only found out because one of them gave me their folder. Imagine being dropped in here knowing no one. Absolutely no one. It’s heartbreaking.”
Beth Folcarelli, chief executive officer of Martha’s Vineyard Community Services.
Bless her heart, she thinks Ron DeSantis flew the planes to pick them up from Venezuela himself. Does she not realize they crossed the border on their own, illegally?
The New York Times, briefly touches on one immigrant’s tale of his 3-month passage to the U.S.
Martha’s Vineyard
Martha’s Vineyard is one of the resident cities for the rich and powerful. With no affordable housing and no winter jobs available, what will they do with the migrants? Well, maybe give them a copy of the Vineyard Gazette classifieds?
More about Carol Marks, the blogger.
DeSantis 2024.