Russell Brand On Rachel Maddow Censoring Donald Trump

Yes, Russell Brand is still around. He’s on Rumble, and this blog post is about Russell Brand on Rachel Maddow, Censoring Donald Trump.

I have to ask myself when I will stop asking myself, “Is this real?” Because yes, Carol, it is for real. We have a “news” organization censoring a prominent public figure. The public figure was once the most powerful man in the world and is running for President again. But Rachel and her crew over at MSNBC have taken it upon themselves to censor Donald Trump.

They want to shield you from the misinformation that Donald Trump spews. No, they want to keep lying to you. They want to keep you in the dark. They want to keep you from the truth. I don’t know how they get away with this type of behavior.

MSNBC will now be called state/government media. Because that is precisely what it is.

But back to Russell.

Just a few months ago, Russell Brand was starting to make some traction and noise with his free-thinking, and then the allegations began pouring out, and BOOM, he was canceled. Whatever cancel means these days. He’s still around. He’s on Rumble and has started new podcasts. One of them is called Stay Free with Russell Brand.

I also had a few things to say about Russell a few months ago.

But back to the current news. Russell isn’t the only one calling out MSNBC over its blatant censorship. Sean Hannity went on a long tirade and called her a make-believe journalist. Rumblings of Trump wanting the licenses pulled from the media who want to censor him are circulating.

Others are piling on over at X:

And the writers at RedState have some questions:

How silly do these networks look bothering to censor a presidential candidate because he mentions there’s an “invasion” at the border or that he thinks the 2020 election is rigged? Who cares? Aren’t voters adults? Shouldn’t they have the mental fortitude to handle hearing things they may disagree with? If not, should they even be voting? –

The writer of that above quote from Red State invoked the Barbra Streisand effect.

Telling your viewers you will not report on something means they may think they are missing out and will seek it themselves. YES! DO IT!

Feature Image: DonkeyHotey, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons/Russell Brand/David B. Young/Flickr/CC BY 2.0/edited & modified in Canva Pro