The Airing Of Grievances

I have a problem with you people. In recognition of Festivus, I am doing the airing of grievances on the blog this holiday season.

But first, did you know that Festivus is an actual holiday? Well, sort of. Those of us who are Seinfeld fans know the origins of Festivus in the series where George’s father made up the holiday out of being fed up with Christmas commercialism.

And now we find out that one of the writers on Seinfeld celebrated this weird and strange family tradition. For the realz.

“Seinfeld” writer Dan O’Keefe introduced Festivus to the show based on a tradition his dad, Daniel O’Keefe, started as early as 1966, when Dan was a kid.

According to lore, Dan’s father invented the holiday for the very same reasons echoed in the sitcom episode: to have a secular occasion void of the consumerism that often characterizes Christmas. The O’Keefe family is thought to have first rang in Festivus in 1966, based on the anniversary of Daniel’s first date with his future wife, Deborah. – The Columbus Dispatch

Ever since that particular Seinfeld episode aired in December of 1997, people have been having fun with it and celebrating it in real life. Years ago, when The Gent and I were just friends, we attended a few Festivus parties our mutual friends hosted a couple of years in a row.

Of course, social media now has fun with it, too. Here is Rand Paul’s X account:

This also makes me want to air my grievances with you people. Please keep in mind this is ALL IN FUN. It will be like a roast. I do it with love for you all. So, let us begin.

First is @Mr_Seans on X – I have a problem with you, sir. I can’t understand what you are X’ing most of the time. Is it movie quotes? Stuff your wife says to you? Voices in your head? What? Please be more specific with your X posts please.

For instance, who in the hell are you talking about here?

Then, we have @TheBoyBlob and his antics. What in the fakery tarnation is he thinking, dabbling in the sorcery of artificial intelligence? What rolls around in that blob head of his when he thinks up this stuff?

He must be eating too many gummies or something. The Boy Blob, not Rod Stewart. Although, I would suspect Rod also has a penchant for the gummies.

Next up is @rowdy_introvert and the truth coming out with his tom-foolery with GLaiNN BaiCK. For shame, sir, trying to do some trickeration of the people. I’d be looking in your mailbox for a cease and desist from Blaze Media soon, sir. I wouldn’t put it past the real Glenn Beck to be vibrant with madness over your account, getting more attention than him. Heh.

I don’t even know what to say about my next grievance. One @ColonelAngus_PP and his anarchist account on X. I don’t see how he doesn’t get banned every day. In addition to his ridiculous X-handle, he likes to take beer showers and apparently doesn’t know how to spell Friends.

The Colonel comes-on like a fireball entering hell on a Georgia summer day. Follow him on X at your own risk.

I’ll stop with these handful of people on X for now. I might do these roasts occasionally and throughout the New Year.

And I’ll leave you with Rand Paul’s Happy Festivus on Rumble via Charles Todd Sullivan.

FYI, Charles Todd Sullivan has only 8 followers on Rumble, but I am still trying to use Rumble video embeds instead of Utube. Because. EffUTube.

Merry Christmas and Folly Festivus to all of you!

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