There was a time when I would not dare think about going into my workplace without my face on, meaning full-on plastered makeup. Full coverage foundation, blush, lip stain, eyeshadow and brows, three to four coats of mascara. The works. But that was all pre-pandemic times. Now we see the new old Carol.
The New Old Carol
The New Old Carol is not doing her hair either, I’m just throwing it up in a bun and letting all the alopecia show. I am also not wearing a stitch of makeup. I tried limiting it to some under eye concealer, some lip tint, blush and doing my eyebrows but not anymore. Now I wear NOTHING to the office. And you know what? I LIKE IT.
Yes, I realize the top left image is not an attractive angle but I don’t care. It’s real life, the real me, and I like the damned photo, so there. In fact, I like it so much it is now on all my social media profiles.
I am not having to deal with the public or sell anything anymore. I do not have a lot of interaction with people so I get to wear somewhat casual clothing, no makeup, and get away with the messy hair bun.
When scrolling through my images on my iPhone, the not-so-old-selfies in full makeup pop up and I stop for a second to ponder. Sometimes I do miss getting all dolled up with the makeup. Then again, I like the ease and convenience of getting ready in 15-20 minutes in the morning.
And I mean really, who do I have to impress these days? No one. My husband thinks I am beautiful no matter what I do. What is important here is that I, me, I feel comfortable and okay without wearing makeup and feel confident! HUGE HUGE HUGE.
I blame it all on the face masks. Why put on a full face of makeup only to have it to rub off on a face mask? I only have to wear it entering and leaving work and in the common areas such as the break room and bathroom. When I am at my desk, I do not have to wear it, thankfully.

There are women who still take the time to apply their makeup meticulously and I have to give them kudos! They look wonderful and beautiful! I admire their dedication and time and effort they put into it. I don’t know if it’s my age, my new job, or what but I don’t care if I wear makeup ever again.
Do I have the pandemic and mask-wearing to thank for my new found freedom? Maybe so.
However, having said all of that, if I start wearing wigs or a topper then for some reason I feel like I should wear makeup. I guess if I have good hair I feel like I need a good face. LOL Or maybe I feel like if I am faking the hair then I need to fake the face too.
I still love my skincare though. And recently I’ve been using Dr. Dennis Gross Universal Daily Peel Pads. I won them during a contest last year at work, when I was in cosmetic retail. When I first won the product, I didn’t really think much of it. I may have used the pads here and there but I recently started using them religiously, every day and man oh man what a difference I can tell in my skin! I love them so much I just recently ordered another pack. FYI, ordered them online from Dillards for curbside delivery.
They make my skin feel so soft and subtle and I definitely have noticed a reduction in my fine lines. My skin feels smooth and healthy and hydrated! I have also been using Nivea Creme at night. I use the Dr. Gross Daily Peel Pads in the morning.
Simply using good ole fashioned bar of soap to wash my face at night and morning, applying the Nivea Creme at night and using the Dr Dennis Gross peel pads in the morning. My new skincare regime and loving it.
Old age? Freedom.–721400054670079.html