Torah Class dot com, actually they are better on YouTube and I suggest you start with the Old Testament Survey.
I have coffee with a friend of mine every so often and she is the one that told me about Torah Class. If you go to their website,, it won’t load for some reason or it wants you to download their very new beta app. And I did that for the Old Testament Survey because I couldn’t find the Survey on their YouTube channel but it is there, found it afterwards and it is linked in the previous paragraph.
Torah Class dot com

Now I am starting with Genesis, on their YouTube channel. I’ve done a study on Genesis before but I wanted to follow the Torah Class study and so I also bought the Bible they are using called The Complete Jewish Bible.
If you are a Christian you may be wondering something here. Torah? Jewish Bible? Yes, but again, go back and go over the Old Testament Survey classes so you can decide for yourself. There are 12 classes, each an hour long, so time is required and I am betting a lot of people won’t do it. That’s a shame.
I am totally enthralled with this study and the lessons. It certainly is a lot better than listening to the news. Reading and doing these lessons, I feel, is bringing me closer to God. Right now, it’s what I am craving and needing. How our society has turned its back on God has become too much for me and doing these lessons, reading Scripture, seeking a personal relationship and growing that relationship is what I can do.
If you like history, you may like these lessons too but it is way more than just history for me. These lessons have strengthened my faith 10 times over.
Purchased my Complete Jewish Bible from Books-A-Million but I also bought a copy from Holy Land Marketplace. So I’ll have two if anyone wants one. However, you can read it here, online for free, but it does not have glossaries, maps, or indexes.
I invite you to join me in this study. I’ll be following along on Torah Class YouTube channel.