Watch Your Language

Watch your language. Have you noticed how politicians, pundits, and news anchors are spinning all the words? Or let’s go beyond words, they are now spinning on your fears.

Watch Your Language

For example, a mere mention of some sort of “vaccine transport” was floated about and now it will more than likely become a real thing. No. Just no. I’ve had about enough of this fear mongering bullshit.

Pay attention to how people are saying things now. They run a very well placed thought or idea by the digital audience and then, the next thing you know, it is law.

It is happening with the vaccine passports.

It happened with the term “new normal.” You can thank COVID for the one. We will NEVER go back to normal.

My Truth has now become THE truth.

Equality is now equity.

It happened with the term white-supremacy. When I was a kid, the only white supremacy happening was the KKK and we were taught they were bad. But now? Everyone is a white supremacist. Bullshit. And because of that, white people in Vermont will not be eligible for the vaccine just yet.

Here, this video explains it all so well. It is from 2018 if you can believe it. So this has been happening for a few years now. It is getting worse.

Control the Words, Control the Culture.

But that is part of it. The other part I am having a difficult time articulating. Lies have become (or will become) truth is the plain and blunt way to say it.

Just look back over the year. We’ve gone from 15 days to flatten the curve – to – wash hands, social distance -to – safer at home – to -let’s wear masks -to- masks mandates – to – vaccines – and to probably these stupid vaccine passports.

Take the time to think about how all of that happened. A lot has changed in just one quick year. Scary isn’t it? It should scare the living daylights out of you.

Another example and probably a better one is China Joe calling the new Georgia voting laws as going back to the Jim Crow era. What? He probably hasn’t even read the damned thing. In case you want to read it.

The two things that stand out to me are:

State and local governments are now prohibited from sending out unsolicited absentee ballot applications. (Because of the pandemic, Raffensperger had applications sent out to all active registered voters for the June 2020 primary.)

And they no longer will use the signature matching system they used before but now voters will have to provide an ID. As how it should have been all along.

Now, tell me how this is voter suppression or how is this like the era of Jim Crow?

Politicians and other leaders walk around saying the silliest shit and the media mucks it up making it seem real and serious.

All I can say is be careful who and what you listen to. Watch the language. The left is very good at it.

Just read this article about Steve Moore being on Mornings with Maria and he brings up AOC. One year we are laughing at her ideas and the next thing you know the Democrats are embracing the ideas.

We may laugh now but be careful to pay attention.

Thanks for stopping by to read.