What I wish I knew when I first started wearing wigs. In this blog post I hope to share with you what I learned early on when I first ventured out into the wig world. And holy cow, there was a lot to learn.

What I Wish I Knew When I First Started Wearing Wigs
These are the main points I wanted to share with you if you are a new wig wearer.
Find a reputable vendor. Believe you me, there are a ton of bad wig boutiques out there on the “net” and lucky for me, I have NOT had to experience what that is like because I watched a lot of YouTube wig reviewers who warns about this sort of thing.
Speaking of YouTube wig reviewers, here are the top ones that I like to go to when I am looking at buying a new wig.
The lingo, there was so much to take in when I first started researching wigs. All of the terminology can be dizzying! Like monofilament and permatease for example. Make sure you understand what some of these terms mean. Again, watching YouTube wig reviewers will help. Also, you can google “wig terminology” and a lot of information will come up.
One of the biggest things that I wish I knew then is how shocked I was when I first started trying wigs on and HOW MUCH HAIR IT WAS! I had to get used to seeing all that hair on my head. I had become accustomed to seeing my own crappy thinned out and patchy bio hair that when I put on a wig it was shocking. And to me, it looked “wiggy” and not real but that is because I wasn’t used to it.
And if I only knew how fun it would be to wear wigs, I would have started a long time ago! Now I consider my wigs as accessories, like my handbag or shoes. I don’t mind wearing a long wig one day and a short cute pixie the next. Yes, people will know it is a wig but I don’t care that they know. My views on wigs these days is so different than what it used to be when I first started out. I used to be shy and scared to death to wear a wig. But now? They make me feel beautiful and glamorous! But don’t worry, I still feel beautiful in my bald head too. I still go out in public with no problems or worries with no wig at all. And you know what? No one even notices.
I guess the other thing I should mention is how costly and expensive wigs can be. But, you can also buy gently used wigs as well. I belong to a private Facebook group where they have events one a month where you can buy and sell your own wigs. I would suggest trying that when you first start out, that way you can buy one deeply discounted.
Here is my latest episode of my ReMarkable Beauty podcast about what I wish I knew when I first started wearing wigs.