What’s good anymore? Can we have a section for us old-fashioned God-fearing Christian types? And I am referring to entertainment; books, television, and movies.

What’s Good Anymore?
I love watching television and reading. But anymore there always has to be some sort of “wokeness” in everything. Try finding a book to read these days that doesn’t have some form of activism, victimhood, trans, or just in your face sex.
Why does everything have to be out in the open now? What happened to keeping things private and away from the public?
The other day I was flipping through my streaming services when I stumbled on Monk. FINALLLY! I never watched it when it was on regular television several years back. We were probably going through our cooking competition phase at that time. But I knew what Monk was about.
So I have started watching Monk, from Season 1, Episode 1 on the Peacock channel or streaming service or whatever you call it. And gosh darn it, it feels NICE to be able to watch some light and fun entertainment without having to worry about someone’s private parts all up in my face or rolling my eyes at an obviously-placed obliged trophy husband of a husband or listening to 7 different profanities spoken over and over again.
Listen, I understand there are groups out there who feel they are not heard or represented but do we have to go overboard?
Why can’t a police chief in a detective series be gay and NOT throw it in our face every two minutes?
Can we have a series where sex isn’t involved as the main character?
Or can we have a fantastic black woman lead without being militant?
Okay, I’m done bellyaching now. I’ll go watch my Monk. Have a great day.
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