When Harry Met Meghan

When Harry Met Meghan. Like what I did there, with the title? Yeah, me too, except I like the real fictional story about Harry Burns and Sally Albright way better than I do about a Prince and the wishful princess.

When Harry Met Meghan

Keep in mind, I did not watch the overrated Oprah interview of the self-induced exiled royals. Apparently, they are still Duke and Duchess but will no longer perform royal duties, whatever that entailed. What, maybe some ribbon cuttings, hand-shaking, public appearances, and stuff? Yeah, real hard.

I don’t believe for one second Meghan’s tears and her crying racism. Nope. This is just my opinion but I think she couldn’t handle all that was probably required of her to be in the royal family; a schedule that more than likely kept her away from Harry where she would not be able to keep a wifely eye on him and his doings.

She probably didn’t want to do all that was required of her. Like attending all those things mentioned before. The events, speeches, and public appearance where she would just be a symbol of The Crown instead of getting to inject her personal opinion, style, and the new American left-socialism.

Of course, the thing I think that pissed Meghan off the most was having to play second fiddle to Kate. Yep. Kate Middleton has way more class in one of her eyelashes than media-harlot-Meghan will ever have. Jealous much, Meghan?

Instead, Meghan wants to come back home, tail tucked, while leaving a mayhem in her wake. And when that didn’t get her enough press, she takes to crying racism.

Now you mean to tell me, that she married into a family she already was having difficulty with? Or did they simply turn racist over-night when she wanted to quit her duties. Right.

I do not believe the royal family is racist. Obviously, Meghan got her feelings hurt, didn’t want to spend one second away from Harry, and also needed the spotlight again after her royal fairy-tale wedding was over.

According to the BBC,

On top of this, searches for the duchess jumped 600% after the Oprah interview was announced.


But, whatever.

One more thought from me on Harry and Meghan. Perhaps Meghan is also playing with Harry’s mental and emotional health from him losing his mother at such a young age and especially the way she died. Terrible. Meghan wanted to come home and she simply played him.

Harry and Meghan are now living in California and have started a media business or brand or something they named Archewell.

More about Carol Marks, the blogger.