Who Are You To Say?

Who are you to say? A few weeks ago, while listening to Mike Slater on SiriusXM Patriot Channel and the Breitbart Daily News, he brought up three tools liberals use to change the way Americans think.

Here they are:

  • Who are you to say?
  • Beauty is the eye of the beholder
  • My truth

It seems like there was one more, but I can’t remember. Those three right there are enough, though. And I am sure you could add to this list. Please add other sayings in the comments if you can think of different expressions.

But let’s take a couple of news stories and break it down.

The latest from the Pope and gay marriage.

ROME — The Vatican has reversed its position banning the blessing of homosexual couples, asserting that a blessing can now be “offered to all without requiring anything.”

In March, 2021, the Vatican’s doctrinal office (CDF) issued a statement declaring that the Church has no authority to bless homosexual unions, noting that God Himself “does not and cannot bless sin.”Breitbart

The Vatican reverses ban on blessings gay couples. The acceptance of this comes from preaching tolerance, which sprung from anti-bullying campaigns in government schools. We used to deal with bullies differently when I was in school. And, who are you to say who can love whom? Right? Who are you to say? When you hear someone say that to you, beware and be prepared to stand your ground with Biblical teachings. Of course, they won’t care because they are godless people who say, “Who are you to say?”

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

And when did we start pushing obesity as sexy or healthy? You know, who are you to say what is sexy or beautiful? Remember, beauty standards set by Vogue, Cosmo, New Beauty, or Allure are unrealistic, right? When I was in my younger days, I skirted the edges of feminazi, claiming beauty standards set by the big glossy magazines were unrealistic. I’ve since calmed down in my older age and have become confident in my image.

But Lizzo prancing around in a bikini celebrating obesity on her Instagram account is NOT beauty in the eye of the beholder. We do need to set some beauty standards. Look at history; the statues and ruins from Greece are examples of what was beautiful at one time. Or how about the Louvre Museum and all the artwork it is home to today? Artists like Leonardo di Vinci, Pablo Picasso, Georgia O’Keeffe, and Vincent Van Gogh, to name a few. Those used to be artists we admired for their depiction of beauty. I guess one could say that is their beholding of beauty. Lizzo is no Michelangelo.

My Truth. Your Truth. The Truth.

When did we start having different kinds of truths? It’s apparent people are confusing truth with opinion or opinion with truth. It seems this My Truth movement stemmed out of the MeToo movement. Maybe. Maybe not. I don’t know why I want to correlate the two. It just seems like something that would go together.

There is no such thing as my truth. There is only the truth. Like, we need water to live. There is no “who are you to say?” about that fact, truth.

People want to say that their opinion is their truth. And the term my truth is one example of how the left is good at changing the meaning of words and language. Have you been paying attention lately?

Pro-abortion is now pro-choice. An undocumented immigrant is used instead of an illegal alien. And you don’t call a liberal a liberal anymore; they are now known as Progressives. Okay. I am sure you can think of other examples.

You can only speak My Truth babble if you are a liberal, though. Only the leftist agenda can speak their truth. Because according to this website:

What do I mean when I say, “speak your truth?” It is being able to communicate your needs, ideas, boundaries and even your convictions to others without wavering and in a way that other people can hear you.University of Clalifornia, Merced

Last year, Sadie Robertson Huff explained the difference between the My Truth vs The Truth

I like how she says that you will stay the same in your comfort at the time of YOUR truth, as The Truth requires us to change and follow Jesus. That is probably one of the most challenging things, and people don’t want to do challenging anymore.

Mike Slater shed light on those three things: Who are you to say/ beauty is in the eye of the beholder/and my truth are the tools liberals use to transform our thoughts. It was so profound to me. I love it when he brings it up occasionally when discussing today’s current events on his Daily News on The Patriot Channel, SiriusXM. It’s so worth the subscription.

Slater also has a podcast called Politics By Faith if you’re interested. Very insightful. I can’t believe he only became a Christian just ten years ago.

Don’t forget to catch my daily podcast, where I give my reMarks on glamour, pop culture, and front-page news.

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