Wig Battle! Round 3

Wig Battle! Round 3 – I am having a wig battle on my social media channels. 

I’ve decided to have some fun with the wigs I have in my inventory. Every 24-hours I am putting up two wigs for you to vote on.

wig battle round 3

The second round is up on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. And will be active until 7:00pm tonight CST. I will then take the winner and put it up against the next wig and post it for 24-hours before doing it again with another round.


I am taking the winner of each round and putting it forward to the next round to battle with another wig. Just something fun to do on social media and to also get some engagement. 

What will I do with the winning wig? And what will I do with the losers? Probably sell the losers, I was going to sell a lot of my wigs anyway.

But the ultimate winner of the battle? Maybe I’ll dress up all fancy and do a photo shoot with her. 

As fast as I can, I’ll post each new round here so you can participate on the blog too. You can put your votes in the comment section of the post. 

Thanks for playing! 


And listen to the More ReMarks podcast.