Will Australia Answer The Question, What Is A Woman?

Will Australia answer the question of what a woman is? In case you don’t know about this case in Australia, a man pretending to be a woman is suing the owner and CEO of a social media app created just for women.

Here are the players. A man calling himself Roxanne Tickle joined a social media app called Giggles for Girls and was promptly kicked off and out. The app’s owner and creator is Sall Grover. So Roxanne Tickle is suing Sall Grover for emotional damages of $200,000. I wouldn’t doubt that Tickle also wants to get back on the app if he wins his case.

I wrote about this on X in their new article feature.

This case is an example that could define what a woman is. Of course, we know this is ludicrous because we already know what a woman is and what a man is. Yet, here the world is, in a court determining if a man can be a woman.

An Important Ruling

If this dude, Roxanne, wins his case in Australia, then it would mean that men could have legal access to women’s bathrooms, locker rooms, prisons, and wherever it used to be, women, only private and intimate settings just for women. In Australia. But do not think for a second this won’t spread like wildfire and reach the United States by the end of the year, if not earlier.

A court has been asked to define what a woman is as a landmark gender identity discrimination case comes to a close in front of a packed gallery of trans and women’s rights campaigners in Sydney.

Roxanne Tickle, a transgender woman from regional New South Wales, is suing the women-only social media platform Giggle for Girls and its CEO, Sall Grover, for alleged unlawful discrimination after being blocked from using the networking app.

On Thursday, the federal court heard “this case is the ‘What is a woman?’ case” as closing arguments were made in the trial – the first time a case of alleged gender identity discrimination has been heard by the federal court. – The Guardian

And you know what? The Australian court might rule in favor of Roxanne Tickler, a man. Australia has become so woke and stupid. I remember being so surprised by Australia’s reaction and response to COVID with all their super strict lockdowns and mandates. So, look for this case to become infamous for setting a precedent for all of us. Get ready, women.

My suggestion for these men who think they are women with their frailty, high anxiety, and so-called occasional suicidal thoughts is to spend some time outside in the fresh air and stop eating plastic fast food; it’s messing you up. Eat some fresh fruits and vegetables, and get some fiber through your body to get that bullshit out of your system.

Oli London breaks the case down for us here:

This Australian case may be pivotal; we will see what happens with the ruling. Closing arguments happened just days ago.

Here is another thing that I find amazing. The counsel for Roxanne Tickle claims that Roxanne suffers constant anxiety and occasional thoughts of suicide since being kicked off the app. Hon, if you are thinking about suicide for being kicked off an app, you have a lot of issues going on, and I suggest you seek help immediately.

Also, from Roxanne’s counsel, Georgina Costello KC, when speaking about the onslaught of hate and bullying Roxanne claims to have received since this started:

She told the court “the purpose of the act is to eliminate that kind of thing … and yet what it has resulted in is a global campaign by the respondents against Ms Tickle”.

She claimed it was clear from Grover’s evidence that the respondent “has a modus operandi of treating transgender women as men”.

That’s because he is a man. There is no such thing as a transgender woman.

Grover had previously told the court that she would not address Tickle as “Ms” and that, even if a transgender woman presented as female, had gender affirmation surgery, lived as a female and held female identity documents, Grover would still see her as a “biological male”.

Good for Sall Grover! Praise for another prominent female not backing down and speaking the truth.

We Still Need More Women Voices

Last year, around this same time, I asked the question, Where Are All The Women? It appears they are starting to show up now. Thank goodness. But we always need more.

More and more people are making the argument that men should NOT play sports against women for obvious reasons, and this is good. We also know that men should not be in women’s locker rooms either or using the same bathroom.

But we need to do more. I’m not calling someone by their preferred pronoun. I am not mentally unstable. I live in reality. Being forced to bow down, bend, and go against what I know is the truth to make someone else feel good about their mental illness is not what I am going to do.

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