A More ReMarks Podcast is Coming

A More ReMarks Podcast is Coming! I have been wanting to do a podcast for quite some time but never could figure out about what in the world I would talk about. And I didn’t think I could find anyone who would want to do it with me. But then, my daughter Gracie is stepping up to the plate. I think it is fabulous and it is turning into something for us.

A More ReMarks Podcast is Coming

When I say it has turned into something for us I mean to put the emphasis on US. I am doing it now, not for others, but I am doing it for my daughter and myself. I think it is going to be something fun for us to do together as mother/daughter and I am super excited about that!

Again, I had to go to Facebook to ask for a name of the podcast and once again I was NOT let down. One of my good friends, Ya-Ya Carolyn, gave us the name of More ReMarks.

And so it is. More ReMarks – a lighthearted generational view from a mother and daughter. This is going to be so much fun. I am so-looking forward to spending more time with my daughter.

What type of topics would you like to hear from us? I already have several lined up.

Currently, I am researching which podcast hosts will be the best for us, getting a schedule together, and what sort of editing software we need.

So, stay tuned for More ReMarks!