Blog Like Crazy 2020

Blog Like Crazy 2020 – it’s that time of the year again for me to attempt another Blog Like Crazy. I’ve participated in a few of these but I never finish. You won’t find any old posts here. Because when I revamped this blog a while ago, I deleted a lot of old posts. They are dead. I killed off a lot of my other blogs.

Blog Like Crazy 2020

At any rate, here we are again. Another year, a c-r-a-z-y one at that, so when I saw this old familiar challenge scroll by on my social media from Javacia – it cheered me up.

I have no plan, no ideas, no editorial calendar that I have created or forced into existence this year. I’m just winging it. But I think this is the best non-plan of all. It will put the squeeze on me to think, just for that day, of some sort of minuscule topic to make into a laudable 300+ word blog post. What I am trying to say is that I am hoping this will move me into the practice of creating stellar blogging.

People who can take an overlooked ordinary thing and make it into something beautiful, a form of art, have always blown me away. They have true and real talent.

Nora Ephron, for instance, immediately comes to mind; the way she could zoom in on something small in a relationship and make it into something big and relatable to the rest of us while making us laugh, or cry, because it was so ordinary and real and right there all the time but somehow overlooked, has always been incredible to me. The talent in that is awe-inspiring. She had a genius flair for seeing the human condition and then showing the rest of us through story and humor that would soften the hardened heart, heal the injured, and tap into the love in all of us.

Obviously, I am no Nora Ephron and never will be. I’m okay with that. But I still like to think about her when I put fingertips to keyboard. I will always read her essays, books, and watch her movies. And The Gent even cooks her recipes for me too. She is missed and I always wonder what new works she would have created if she was still with us today.

We will always have the memory of her and her work to help us through.

I’ll leave you with the Ephron family philosophy where, Everything Is Copy. And that is what I perhaps hope to find for myself during November and the #BlogLikeCrazy challenge.

Find out more about me, the blogger, Carol Marks.