Dolly Parton’s America

Ya’ll, I need to share this podcast with all of you – Dolly Parton’s America. If you haven’t listened to it, go download/subscribe to it right now. I have only just begun to consume the world of podcasts but I think I have stumbled upon a great one.

Dolly Parton’s America

Side note – the first podcast I dedicated myself to listening to is Strength Outside The Box. I have listened to several episodes of that podcast. I took a little break from listening to podcasts because nothing else held my interest. Or I didn’t dedicate enough time to finding anything else.

As time went on, more and more celebrities, broadcasters, news channels, journalists, and regular every day people started making their own podcasts. Podcasts were popping up everywhere.

I have always wanted to start a podcast myself but never knew what on earth my podcast would be about. That has since been solved but this is not what this blog post is about.

Back to Dolly Parton’s America podcast. I was browsing on iTunes for podcasts to subscribe to because let’s face it, if I was going to start my own, I probably should listen to others.

Dolly Parton’s America came up as a popular podcast. I like Dolly so I thought why not. It would be familiar. Boy, was I wrong. But I was also right. This podcast is so charmingly unexpected.

Hosted and created by Jad Abumrad – a Lebanese-American radio host, composer, and producer [wikipedia].

I’ll try to summarize.

I am on episode 7 and there are a total of 9 episodes.

Jad Abumrad grew up in Tennessee and wanted to find out how Dolly Parton’s popularity came to be. All walks of life love Dolly Parton. So he set out to find out and he does some great investigating. Of course, one of his guests is Dolly Parton herself but he also goes off in all kinds of other unexpected directions. He takes us down hollers and runs where we discover so much more about ourselves than we knew was even there while relating it all back to Dolly. Well, that is what I took away.

He does start with her beginnings and hits her high points in her career. Mr. Abumrad also interviews professors, musicians, celebrities, leaders, college students, and more. He has an awesome story of his own dad and Dolly.

At times, I would find myself getting angry and mad at the host and his colleagues but then before I knew it I was in agreement or thinking, “yeah, I see that now.” If I started out upset with one of his sessions I soon came around to being satisfied. I laughed, I got angry, I cried with sympathy and compassion and for joy.

I still have three more episodes to go but I highly recommend this podcast. And now I have going to Dollywood and seeing Dolly in concert on my bucket list!