Eat Cereal For Dinner, You Peasants!

Eat Cereal For Dinner, You Peasants!

Big wigs of cereal corporations tell you to eat cereal for dinner, you peasants! Okay, they didn’t use those words exactly, but this is my blog, and I can phrase it however I want. They are suggesting that you eat cereal for dinner instead of a decent square meal, and they are blaming the economy and the very people they put into office.

I have nothing against cereal. I eat it almost every morning; my current preference is Frosted Mini-Wheats. They are made by Kellogg’s, so the CEO, Gary Pilneck, should be happy with me. But I don’t eat it for dinner. Have I in the past? Sure, who hasn’t. But I don’t advocate it for it to be a regular thing.

But this clown, Pilnik, is sincerely telling its customers to ease off the chicken and eat Frosted Flakes for dinner instead.

In an interview with CNBC last week, WK Kellogg CEO Pilnick said the company was advertising cereal for dinner to consumers looking for more affordable options. “Give chicken the night off,” the ad’s cheery tagline reads. WK Kellogg owns cereals such as Frosted Flakes, Froot Loops, Corn Flakes, Raisin Bran and others.CNN

These people want you unhealthy, sick, or dead. I’m not so much in the camp of people criticizing big daddy corporations who make millions of dollars and want to dole out cereal to the underlings. Corporations are going to make money; it’s what they do.

My beef is that they sincerely try to push their cereal to replace meat, protein, and healthy food. Yes, prices are sky-high, thanks to Bidenomics.

Hey, Mr. Pilnik, your cereal is expensive, too, when it’s actually on the shelf.

Don’t fall for the bait and switch. Cereal isn’t that cheaper than chicken. And my God, the nutritional value is worth the extra bucks, regardless of inflation.

A quick search shows that a Mega size box (30.6 oz) of Frosted Flakes is $6.29 at WalMart, while a whole chicken (Sanderson Farms brand) from WalMart costs $7.97. I’ll spend the extra $1.68 for the entire chicken. Thank you.

Kellogg’s pushing cereal for dinner is nothing new. Here is their commercial from a year ago.

Is the Dad black? I can’t tell. Is that what makes this family low-income in this promo? So Kellogg’s isn’t just a member of the government oligarchy. They are members of a racist government oligarchy. That makes sense, considering the Biden administration is at the top.

My other suggestion is to stay away from fast food too. Not only are the prices ridiculous, but you know it’s super unhealthy. You are going to spend money on food. You have to. I suggest spending it at the grocery store or local farmer’s market. Or try to grow your own.

While I have to tell you, I don’t typically do the grocery shopping regularly. My husband does that. But I’ve been in the grocery store lately. I see the prices. Then, I read articles like the CNN put out with Gary suggesting low-income families eat cereal for dinner instead of putting together a decent and healthy meal for their family, and I felt the need to say something.

I was considered low-income at one time in my life. Yes, I was even on food stamps at one point. But I spent that money wisely and even repaid every single penny of food stamps I received. I may not have made the most healthy meals, but I did my best and didn’t serve my children cereal for dinner.

OPINION: This article contains commentary which reflects the author’s opinion.

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