Huntsville Hiking Trails

Yes, I am new to hiking. I am sure most everyone else knows about these Huntsville Hiking Trails but I surely did not. I mean I knew of SOME Huntsville Hiking Trails but what I thought I knew was something along th lines of cutesy paths through some woods or something. Boy, was I wrong.

Huntsville Hiking Trails

And first of all, I never thought of myself as an outdoorsy nature kind of girl but a few weeks ago my daughter invited me to go hiking with her. I’ll be honest, my first thought was, “Uh, no.” But then I thought more about it and it was my daughter inviting me so Yes, of course I would go. I am so glad I decided to go because I LOVED it.

Then, my daughter told me I needed to download the AllTrails app. Holy cow, I had NO IDEA there were so many hiking trails in just north Alabama alone! And just Huntsville, alone, has a ton.

So, I like hiking. Who knew! And it appears that it is one of those things that brings me joy, especially getting to spend the time with my grown children. Plus, it’s free. Double and triple joy!

Although, being out in nature means that I would eventually run into, well, nature. Say, like a snake? Yep, the second time out on a trail one slivered right across the path in front of me. Now, granted, it was probably only 4 to 6 inches long and about the diameter of a spaghetti noodle but in my mind it may as well have been 10 feet long! I nearly stepped on it and my first, very first, thought as I was doing my best B-movie scream was, “Where is its mother?!”

This happened at the very beginning of the trail. That is one way to get the heart rate up and going so soon in the hike. I was able to collect myself and continue on with the hike. I wanted to continue!

So far, I’ve done Rainbow Mountain trail in Madison and Alum Hollow trail.

I am looking forward to hiking many more trails in Huntsville and then venturing out to surrounding areas as well like Hartselle, Cullman, Danville, Decatur, and also some in Tennessee!

More about Carol Marks, the blogger.