Planning Trackers

Several days have been spent looking up planning trackers. You know, creative trackers I can make myself, for my planner. And I found some.

Planning Trackers

I have something like 14 blank pages in the back of my new planner, which by the way is The Planner M and it can be found at

Wanting to find some cute ways to track habits, I ransacked YouTube and several blogs to get some ideas. I was not disappointed.

Here are some things I am tracking:

  • Gratitude List
  • Water intake
  • Blogging
  • Book list
  • Bible reading
  • No Sugar
  • No Spend
  • Exercise

Right now, in the back of my planner where the trackers live, I’ve only created the trackers for some of those on that list. I’ve opted to track the others in a different way.

I enjoyed creating and making these trackers. The plan is to track these things daily, in the daily section of the planner and then transfer what I have done to the trackers. Make sense?

In all honesty, I’ve not started off well. My first week was the last week in October. Man, I dropped the ball bigly. But now we are in a fresh month, November, and I will make a better effort to get things done.

Going to second shift at work I thought FOR SURE I would be way more disciplined about working out in the mornings because that is what I had preferred for a long time, to workout in the mornings. But nope, I am finding I like to stay in bed drinking coffee for a while when I first wake up. It sort of drags out to a couple of hours, drinking coffee in bed!

But no more! I will get better. I am determined. I like schedule and routine. I need it and it makes me feel better as a person to get things accomplished no matter how small the task.

Tomorrow is a new day. There is a quote on the front of my new planner, it goes like this – “Between tomorrow’s dream and yesterday’s regret is today’s opportunity.

Learn more about Carol Marks, the blogger.